Faiths4Vaccines and USAID Sign a Memorandum of Understanding to Promote A COVID-19 Year of Action

For Immediate Release

February 15, 2022

On February 14, 2022, Faiths4Vaccines signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the United States Agency for International Development. The signed MoU launches a Year of Action working with civil society, including faith and community partners, on COVID-19 response efforts.

February 14, 2022 – USAID Administrator Samantha Power and Faiths4Vaccines Convener, Dr. Mohamed Elsanousi sign a Memorandum of Understanding to support global vaccination efforts at the White House.

The COVID-19 pandemic is a global crisis that has manifested in numerous, highly localized ways, with vast and varied impacts across countries, communities, and individuals around the globe. Fighting this pandemic requires urgent, collective effort among governments, civil society, the private sector, international and local partners. By working together, USAID, Faiths4Vaccines, and other faith communities will build upon decades of successful partnerships between governments and religious communities on global health crises to combat misinformation on COVID-19, increase vaccine demand, and save lives.

Collaboration with faith entities is a key mechanism to help strengthen the fabric of society and support the common welfare of our communities. The specific emphasis on engagement with civil society, including faith and community actors, aims to include local voices, impact local health outcomes, and integrate the leadership of local faith actors in country-level planning.

“This partnership will allow us, alongside other global and local faith-based organizations, medical professionals and government actors to leverage existing and trusted local, national, and transnational voices to build confidence, increase access and equitable distribution and integrate faith and community partners to support sustainable solutions to the pandemic and its second-order impacts,” stated Faiths4Vaccines Convener, Dr. Mohamed Elsanousi during the ceremony.

On behalf of the American people, USAID promotes and demonstrates democratic values abroad, and advances a free, peaceful, and prosperous world. in support of America’s foreign policy, USAID leads the U.S. Government’s international development and disaster assistance through partnerships and investments that save lives, reduce poverty, strengthen democratic governance, help people emerge from humanitarian crises, and progress beyond assistance. USAID funds international development that advances U.S. national-security objectives by improving economic growth, food security, global health, education, democracy and governance, addressing environmental and climate issues, and providing humanitarian assistance.

Administrator Samantha Power offered remarks on the current state of global vaccinations and the significant role faith actors play in reducing misinformation and building trust in the vaccine amongst communities. The Administrator emphasized the commitment of USAID to collaborate with Faiths4Vaccines to support the role of faith actors to achieve herd immunity:

“If we want to save lives, protect people from COVID-19, prevent the emergence of new variants, and end this pandemic, then we must partner with the faith community to spread the truth about these vaccines – that they are safe, tested, and effective. That getting vaccinated is, in the words of Pope Francis, “An act of love.” That’s why I am so eager to secure our partnership with Faiths4Vaccines with today’s signing of a memorandum of understanding.”

Following her remarks, Administrator Powers and Dr. Elsanousi signed the MoU in front of members of the White House Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships, including Executive Director Melissa Rogers, Deputy Executive Director Josh Dickson, Director of USAID Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships Rev. Adams Philips, Ambassador for International Religious Freedom Mr. Rashad Hussain, Faiths4Vaccines Core Group including Rev. Jim Wallis, Dr. Uzma Syed, and Prof. Katherine Marshall as well as prominent multi-faith actors who have supported vaccination efforts within their communities.

About Faiths4Vaccines

Faiths4Vaccines is an inclusive, multi-faith movement comprised of local and national U.S. religious actors, as well as medical professionals, who are working together to identify and resolve current gaps in vaccine mobilization, outreach, and uptake. To learn more, visit:

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